View different types of information using the tabs above for 2021/10/25
Date Range: 2012/01/01 – 2025/02/05
(No. of Dates: 4657)
Links to Data Site Pages for 2021/10/25
The table below contains links to data site summary pages that could assist the user. The links are time sensitive and lines are only displayed if there is (probably) a summary page for2021/10/25
All soft X-ray flares (≥A1.0) with
known positions[] for the indicated 48 hour interval are shown.
The most recent flares (≤12 hours) are shown as red dots, 12-24 hours as blue
dots and 24-48 hours as turquoise dots; the flare locations are rotated to the time of the image.
Emissions from the western half to the disk – right of central meridian – are most likely to be geo-effective.
(Image above as [Pop-up])
The numbers in turquoise designate Active Regions;
numbers in red (on the left hand side of the image) indicate old Regions that are due to return.
Click on an Active Region number if you want to see the report of the selected Region.
Click on an Active Region plot to display the Region Report including the region evolution and flaring history. HEC Search for NOAA Active Regions (SRS) records for this date and the day before.
(from noaa_active_region_summary)
The images are either magnetograms taken by the SDO/HMI or EUV observations from SDO or PROBA2.
The locations of flares are over-plotted on the images using
various routines in SolarSoft, including those developed by the
HELIO project; movies are formed by stacking the images together.
The centre of the field of view of each image is derived from the location of the active region;
this is interpolated from information given in the NOAA/USAF Solar Active Region Summary
(included as the noaa_active_region_summary list in the
The latitude is the average of all values when the region ifs in the list;
the longitude is calculated by doing a linear fit to the given longitude
(in order to smooth out rounding errors).
An image is created every 6 hours using the closest available FITS file to this time that can be found.
The time interval coverered by the image is indicated in the bottom left hand corner.
Flares for the 48 hours leading up to the time are over-plotted; these are rotated to the time of the FITS image.
The locations of the flares over-plotted on the image are derived from the flare catalogue
prepared by Lockheed Martin (LMSAL, Palo Alto)
and included as the gevloc_sxr_flare list in the
• The size of dot indicated the soft X-ray class of the flare
– the smallest are C class, medium size are M class and the largest are X class.
• The colour of the dot gives a rough indication of when the flare occurred,
with respect to the time in the bottom left of the image.
Red dots are up to 12 hours before the time indicated; blue dots are 12-24 hours;
turquoise dots are 24-48 hours.
Below are explanations of each of the pages and sub-pages in this Archive.
Select a Date or Active Region
This is the top page for the HELIO Solar Activity Archive.
It provides two routes into the archive: based on date, or based on the Active Region number.
(The date and active region ranges available are indicated in the different sections.)
Using the date route affords access to the summaries indicated in the tabs at the top:
Flare Locations, Active Region Reports and Light Curves.
Links to Sites that have summary Web pages that can be accessed for a specific data are listed.
To an extent, the links are time sensitive and links are only displayed if there is a summary page for the selected date.
The active region number route takes the user directly to the History of Active Region report of the selected Region.
Options include a pull down of all Active Regions for which reports are available, the ability to type in a region number
and a table, with links, that summarizes parameters for a section of the regions.
At the top of this page, and at the top of the Flare Locations, Active Region Reports and Light Curves pages,
are arrows that allow the user to step backwards or forwards a day.
Flare Locations
The Flare Locations page
shows the locations soft X-ray flares that occurred within
a 48 hour intervals (ending at the end of the date shown at the top of the page) over-plotted on a
context image.
The image used is normally SDO AIA 193Å but PROBA2 SWAP 194Å images are used if no SDO data are available.
All soft X-ray flares (≥A1.0) where the location has been determined are shown; the flare locations are rotated to the time of the image
and the page indicated by the known positions link shows the flares that have been included.
The most recent flares (≤12 hours) are shown as red dots, 12-24 hours ago as blue dots and older ones as turquoise dots.
The 5 digit numbers in turquoise designate Active Regions;
those in red (on the left hand side of the image) indicate where old Active Regions that could be returning.
Click on an Active Region if you want to see more detail;
this takes you to the summary page for that active region.
Note that some types of solar emission are more likely to be geo-effective if they originate from the western half to the disk
(right of the central meridian).
Usually the SDO AIA images are sourced through the Joint Science Operations Center
(JSOC) site; if data are not available for a given date a PROBA2 SWAP image is sourced from the
PROBA2 Science Centre.
The flare locations are from Lockheed-Martin;
Active Region locations are from NOAA/SWPC.
(Note that the error associated with the longitude assigned for flares observed on/near the east limb is greater than
for flares that occur on the disk. As a consequence, the flare site could appear to lead an active region
when rotated to a later epoch.)
Active Region Reports
The Active Regions Reports page is divided into two sections covering active regions that are on the solar disk on the date indicated at the top
and those that are due to return over the following two days.
Click on the image for an Active Region if you want to see the History of Active Region report of the selected Region.
Active regions are designated by NOAA's SWPC
as they emerge on the Sun and the predicted locations are defined in the SRS files;
these have been loaded into the Heliophysics Event Catalogue of HELIO as the noaa_active_region_summary list.
History of Active Region pages
The table shows key information for the active region for each day: the active region area, number of sunspots,
Zurich-McIntosh classification (ZMCINT),
magnetic classification
(MCLASS), and the number of C, M and X class flares that have occurred and the total number of flares, including B class flares.
The TYP column flags whether the region has spots (A) or is just plage (P).
Sometimes flares can be associated with a region before it has been designated by NOAA;
this is can be recognised by the absence of information in all columns except flare occurrence.
For each date that is flagged as A, a link into
for the active region is provided in the right hand column.
For the first region flagged as A, a link is provided into the Solar Activity summary pages (on this site) for that date.
A Pop-up is provided to go directly to the magnetic field data for the active region in SolarMonitor;
other channels can also be selected.
The plot is split into three panels.
The top panel shows how the area of the active region area is evolving (black line, LH y-axis);
the evolution of the magnetic complexity of the region (by MCLASS) is also shown (blue line, RH y-axis)
The middle panel shows the timing and size of soft X-ray flares that have occurred; the soft X-ray background is shown in red.
At the top of the same panel, the times of the occurrence of Halo CMEs (pa_width ≥135°) are shown as red ticks.
The bottom panel shows a plot of the GOES Soft X-ray lightcurves fot the same period.
Links to information that was used to create the page or that are relevant to the active region are provided;
these include the NOAA Active Region Summary data used and lists of flares, CME and dimmings that occurred
(all extracted from the HELIO Heliophysics Event Catalogue, HEC).
If a movie of the active region has been created, a link to this will also appear.
Light Curves
This page provides light-curves generated from GOES soft X-ray and Particle data for the date indicated at the top and the preceding three days.
The designated date is the right most panel; the locations shown on the Flare Locations page are covered in the two right hand panels.
For a few active regions, movies have been created that show the location of flares overplotted on an active region as it rotates across the disk.
The images used are either magnetograms taken by the SDO/HMI or EUV observations from SDO or PROBA2.
The locations of flares are over-plotted on the images using
various routines in SolarSoft, including those developed by the
HELIO project; movies are formed by stacking the images together.
The centre of the field of view of each image is derived from the location of the active region;
this is interpolated from information given in the NOAA/USAF Solar Active Region Summary
(included as the noaa_active_region_summary list in the
The latitude is the average of all values when the region ifs in the list;
the longitude is calculated by doing a linear fit to the given longitude
(in order to smooth out rounding errors).
An image is created every 6 hours using the closest available FITS file to this time that can be found.
The time interval coverered by the image is indicated in the bottom left hand corner.
Flares for the 48 hours leading up to the time are over-plotted; these are rotated to the time of the FITS image.
The locations of the flares over-plotted on the image are derived from the flare catalogue
prepared by Lockheed Martin (LMSAL, Palo Alto)
and included as the gevloc_sxr_flare list in the
The size of dot indicated the soft X-ray class of the flare
– the smallest are C class, medium size are M class and the largest are X class.
The colour of the dot gives a rough indication of when the flare occurred,
with respect to the time in the bottom left of the image.
Red dots are up to 12 hours before the time indicated; blue dots are 12-24 hours;
turquoise dots are 24-48 hours.